The Lead Team

It's been an interesting journey on this start-up road to bring

the ultimate team together to serve you!

We have built a strong team:

Pro Sound Engineers, Creative Ministry Directors,

Producers, Teachers, and Coaches.

Sheila Grace Abramoff, Studio Owner

Hi, it's a bit awkward writing up a blurb about myself in the third person, so let me just tell you a bit about my amazing team, and what has led me to bringing this amazing team together!

...I actually don't take credit for that, because that praise and glory belongs to God! This amazing team of passionate, skilled craftsmen and women, each came across my path at just the perfect moment. I've known them all for a considerable amount of time, and when I started to tell each of them how I envisioned the growth of the recording studio, and what could be done through it, they were already excited about the possibilities! We talked at length regarding how they could get involved, what they were each wanting to contribute, and how they could help the city of Saskatoon, the province of Saskatchewan, and the nation of Canada.

Their skill sets, experience, reputations, and unique personalities, combined with their passion for God and what He wants to do in peoples' lives aligned us all in such a beautiful way, that in a bit of a cheeky sense, we're all a bunch of weirdos, nerds, and creative types, having fun at what we do, living out purpose and passion for your benefit!


Brent Tbone Blazieko
Brent tBone Blazieko

You've seen him around in Saskatoon's Audio Industry, as a leader and influencer, but have you really heard how incredible his talent for recording arts truly is? This guy knows sound, silence, balance, and has a lot of fun while he talks about music, podcasts, the film industry, mobile recording, and promotional advertising! Is there anything this guy doesn't do? We haven't found it yet. Click on his picture to go to the website!

Emmanuel Adeagbo

A Masters in Engineering led this genius to expand his horizons in business for the music industry! His company, Tag Productions, has him travelling all over North America, but where you'll really see him shining brightest is serving the local church by training sound engineers, stage technicians, and young entrepreneurs.

Anthony Giglio
Anthony Giglio

It doesn't take long talking with this whiz, before you realize that he has a wealth of experience and a zeal for getting your creative vision totally produced! From redoing the ribbons in microphones and aiding with maintenance around the studio, to helping you select the very best systems for your music, film, podcast, work shop or live event, he has the motivation to make your inspirations a reality! Click on his picture to see his impressive online resume!

Josh Amoah
Josh Amoah

Volunteering to bring in talent to record, this brother-in-Christ has innovative ideas to help anyone progress in their journey towards excellence! He serves on the Elim Church worship team, and provides leadership through how he points everyone to a deeper relationship with Jesus, and motivates everyone to musical excellence! Click on his picture to hear some work he's produced!

Andrew Bryant

Andrew Bryant

Live Concert Sound is his Jam, and that's where we usually see him, in the sound booth at Elim Church! He's a local alumni from RAIS, with more than decade of experience. His approachable attitude, compositional inspiration and easy going nature will benefit anyone's music, podcasts, or broadcasting needs. Click on his picture to listen to his own productions via SoundCloud! account

Sonia Reid Noble
Sonia Reid

There is so much respect for this powerful woman of God, in our city, province, country and internationally! We are honoured and grateful that she has come on board, to serve worshippers, singers, songwriters, and recording artists at our studio! Click on her picture to see an article about her from the Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra!

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